Adults: From 11 years old €25
Children: 6-10 years old: €12.50
3 Hours
Starting at Marina de Angra do Heroismo, the first impression we have is the grandeur and beauty of Monte Brasil, an extinct volcano originating in the ocean, consisting of a boiler surrounded by four peaks. This site is classified as a Natural Forest Reserve. Upon discovering Monte Brasil, we will pass through four peaks: Pico das Cruzinhas, Pico do Facho, Pico da Quebrada, and Zimbroico do Pico. Almost at the end of the trail, we will visit the fortress of Saint John the Baptist, built in the 16th century, where it is possible to see the interior of the wall, the old dungeons and the old church. On the way back, we still have the possibility of visiting the historic military center, installed in the former military hospital, which reproduces military evolution over the centuries and represents three branches of the Portuguese armed forces. At the end of this adventure you can also try one of our gastronomic delicacies “Dona Amélia”, in one of the most popular candies in
Angra.Arrive 15 minutes before the departure time Loja Picos de